Banana Bread (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free)
EDIT: My deepest apologies if you made this banana bread and it wasn’t delicious, I forgot to add an ingredient… and one of the most important ones at that: maple syrup! I have fixed it now. Thank you!
Saturday I celebrated my 31st birthday! It was a day filled with loads of fun- shopping, mimosas, mexican food, popcorn, and lots of birthday kisses from my precious kiddo. It was such a fun day. Fun fact: my husband’s birthday is December 27th, mine is the 28th, my mother-in-law’s is the 28th, and my dad’s birthday is January 4th 🤪 so we have a LOT going on right after Christmas! Suffice it to say, I am WORN OUT. Thank goodness I have this insanely delicious banana bread to get me through my post-Christmas, post-birthday slump.
Everybody loves banana bread and it’s even better with chocolate chips 🍫 and a secret ingredient makes this a high protein treat! Any guesses what it is? Collagen! You can absolutely leave the collagen out but I love the addition of protein and the many benefits our bodies can receive from this supplement. I like ancient nutrition collagen because it uses 3 different sources (porcine, marine, and bovine) of collagen as well as being grass fed.
This banana bread is definitely more bready than cakey which is a nice departure for me. It makes it a perfect breakfast and is dense enough to keep you full until lunch. And (!) it is strong enough to be cut and taken on the road for a quick breakfast in the car! It won’t crumble all over your car… you’re welcome.
I made several loaves of this banana bread for Christmas and BONUS TIP!!! I topped it with honey butter on Christmas day and WOOO honey, it was good! You must try this combo. It was a gift. I hope you’ve had a week as fun as mine and be sure to let me know if you try this banana bread! You’re going to love it. Happy New Year! xo

Banana Bread
- 1.5-2 bananas, mashed
- 1/4c maple syrup
- 4T butter, softened
- 2 eggs
- 1t vanilla
- 2 scoops Ancient Nutrition collagen
- 1.5c gluten free flour
- 1t baking soda
- 1/2c chocolate chips
How to cook Banana Bread
- Combine wet ingredients in mixer and mix well. Mix dry ingredients except chocolate chips in a separate bowl then add dry ingredients to wet. Fold in chocolate chips. Pour into a parchment lined loaf pan and bake for 30 minutes at 350F. Let cool completely before removing and slicing.